IBCT Directory of Certified Training Centers
This directory lists IBCT certified training facilities, centers and companies.IBCT Directory of
Certified Training Centers, what is it?
IBCT Directory of Certified Training Centers is a public registry that lists all certified training facilities, certified training centers, and training companies.
We publish such a list to inform the public that organizations that are listed in this directory have met our international standards for training centers, facilities and/or companies. Meanwhile, it guides clients who seek professional training facilities, centers and/or companies. Any commercial use of the information contained herein is strictly prohibited. Companies or individuals who are found to be in violation of this policy will be considered to be in violation of the IBCT code of ethics.
In order to know the main differences between the certified training facilities, centers, and companies, please click HERE.
To know more about IBCT standards of certifying training centers, please click HERE.
To browse the IBCT directory of Certified Training Facilities, Centers and companies, please click HERE.
Certified Facilities Vs. Centers Vs. Companies
This section intends to provide the visitors with the main differences between the three above mentioned types of IBCT certification.
Certified Training Facilities
Hotels, convention centers, trade centers, conference centers & the like that host professional training using their training facilities, IBCT certifies their facilities for training.
Certified Training Centers
Organizations that have their own training centers to mainly train & develop their own staff, IBCT certifies those centers to assure that they deliver their training according to the international standards.
Certified Training Companies
Training provider companies provide training to external clients from the private and/or public market. IBCT certifies them to assure to their clients that they provide internationally standardized training.
IBCT Directory of Certifed Training Facilities, Training Centers & Training Companies