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About Us

Certifying Talent Professionals for the Journey Ahead

We are The First!

IBCT is the World’s first not-for-profit certification body in the field of corporate training and workplace learning industry!

It’s All About You!

Your needs and ambitions are important to us. Whether you are recruiting qualified trainers, seeking credentials as a professional trainer & talent professional, or looking for certifying your training organization, the International Board of Certified Trainers is there for you.

Setting Standards

Certifying Trainers

Certifying Centers

Certifying Materials

Our History
The International Board of Certified Trainers (IBCT) was originally founded in 1988 as a professional association in the United States. Currently, our headquarters are in the Netherlands and we are acting under the Dutch and European law.


Professor Pontrelli in the US thought it over

Professor Pontrelli, the founder, based on his research, came up with the idea of the necessity of certifying trainers.


Founded as an American Association

Professor Pontrelli with his team established the American Association of Certifed Trainers in the United States.


Established as IBCT in the NL, Europe

The main Headquarters has been moved to the Netherland and newly established as the foundation of International Board of Certifed Trainers (IBCT).
The Strategy that Enables Us to Lead

Our Mission

We develop and apply the state-of-the-art standards for certifying trainers, training centers and training packages; and we strictly apply them. We provide our clients with distinguishable certification services at the highest quality in the market. Our Services are globally perceived as an opportunity to learn and grow and as an international acknowledgment.

Our Vision

Our certification standards are the most trusted ones across the globe and our quality hallmarks are to become a global beacon and leading the industry.

Our Goal

The main goal of the IBCT is to assure to the public that trainers, HRD and talent professionals possess the ethical standards and the professional competences and are qualified to practice.

We Believe

Trainers should not be allowed to train until they get prepared for practice.

We work on complex challenges


Our Seven Guiding Principles

Our 7Fs Guiding Principles are inviting you to work with us.


We intensively focus on achieving the best training results. Our train the trainer programs focus on how to apply the targeted competencies in the workplace.


We act friendly, but very strict in applying the international standards.


We are an independent, not-for-­profit foundation offering training & services that are not influenced by commercial interests.


Fulfilling the trainees’ and organizational needs are our commitment.


Our evaluation and audit procedures are purely fair, widely respected and we embrace the decent work principles.


We constantly provide our trainees and clients with constructive and honest feedback.


Training sessions with IBCT certified trainers are always source joy and meaningful fun.
IBCT Board of Directors
The Board of Directors presides over all decisions relating to the Foundation’s major policies.
Foundation of the International Board of Certified Trainers
The Board duties and members
The Board of Directors presides over all decisions relating to the foundation’s major strategic, economic, corporate, financial, technological, certification and audit policies and monitors the implementation of these policies by the senior management.

IBCT is registered in the Dutch Chamber of Commerce as a not-for-profit foundation under the number of KVK30248256. The current Board of Directors comprises 9 members, including the Chairman, three independent directors representing the Board’s regional headquarters, and four advisory experts.

Erik Boshuizen

Global Director

An international expert in Strategic Corporate Education & business school president.

Dave Rudd

Director North America

An international expert in Training and Performance Improvement, Return on investment.

Ahmed Metwally

Director MENA Region

A university professor & an international expert in HRD and Train-The-Trainer programs.

Cees Vingerling

Board Member

An international expert in corporate education and Triple Helix.

Surachai Kositbovornchai

Board Member

An international expert in management & HRD.

Michiel Broekhuijsen

Board Member

An international expert in information technology, Security, and Privacy.

Kennrick Misiedjan

Board Member

A corporate international lawyer and legal consultant. An expert in international law.

Gebert Janssen

Board Member

An expert in Meetings, Incentives, Conferences & Exhibitions (MICE).

Raymond Wai Ching Lam

Board Member

An international expert in training and development.

Board Members

The Board aspires to be diverse in nationality, background, and gender.

IBCT Committees
The Board of Directors has set up the following two committees to make recommendations on key issues, enhance the Board’s operating procedure, and ensure the Foundation’s sustainable growth.

Quality Assurance and Ethical Committee

Complaints against IBCT members/trainers who allegedly breach the IBCT Code of Conduct and Ethics, that may be received from clients, participants, and colleagues, from the public or other IBCT members, or from the QAEC will be investigated by the members of this committee. The IBCT Code of Conduct complaints procedure is an alternative dispute resolution system for managing professional conduct and professional ethics of IBCT members and acts as a professional self-regulating body.

The Board assigned members in every regional headquarters that eventually report to the central committee.

• Chairman of the committee is Mr. Kennrick Misiedjan LLM

Credentialing and Certification Committee

The credentialing and certification committee is responsible for evaluating the exams, credentials, and attitudes of participants who apply to be IBCT certified trainers. It also has the final say to certify/not to certify applicants, based on their performance and examination results.  The committee is compiled out of academics, training experts and delegates from the private and public sectors. The Board assigns a local certification committee for every TTT run. Local committees report to the central one. Final decisions are always made by the central committee.

Meet Our Team
Our talented & experienced team delivers amazing results


Office Manager



Admin & Quality Officer






Recertification Officer



Certification officer

Our Global Partners
To ensure the best training results for your organization, we proudly recommend our partners. Our global partner network is experienced in delivering high-quality HRD solutions.
Foundation of the International Board of Certified Trainers
We think Global and Act Local 
The value we add to our train-the-training partners and local focal points is our passion to empower training professionals for the future. Together with them, we disseminate the international standards in training, promote sustainable human resource development, prepare training professionals to become qualified and support them to stay job fit.
IBCT provides the state of the industry train-the-trainer materials, senior trainers and evaluation tools to our local partners. We believe in teamwork spirit and partners who add mutual value and serve the local communities.
Our awesome partners
Here is a short list of our global partners. Each regional headquarters has its own local partners and can be found in our regional websites.
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